About me

Gleb Bakunov

I am a passionate and open-minded person who is dedicated to quickly adapting to the changing conditions of the modern world. However, I believe it is important to hold onto your principles. Trust, respect, and the pursuit of freedom and truth are my key values.

Despite my young age, I have built an energetic team of dedicated and kind individuals who are my main asset. As a natural-born businessman, I believe that cultivating social capital is as crucial for success as building a financial portfolio.

In this ever-changing and tumultuous world, where every crisis presents new opportunities, a dedicated group of friends and colleagues emerges as a guiding light of integrity, fairness, and inner liberation amidst the daunting landscape of challenges. Across oceans and continents, only an individual's strength and trustworthiness guarantee stability and progress. This is the essential basis for a prosperous and productive life.

The environment I grew up in and my experiences have had a significant impact on who I am today. I come from an academic family, studied at one of the most advanced science faculties, earned a PhD in physics and mathematics early in my career, and then developed strong technological skills. Additionally, my early exposure to music and a natural interest in the humanities have given me a well-rounded perspective on life.

I describe my political views as conservative libertarianism, the central pillars of which are the market and the individual. This does not mean denying the role of the state as a guarantor of the law and social obligations. On the contrary, the government should consist of effective managers whose main task is to protect the interests of the market and the individual. This management must be continually improved and guided by the principle of promoting the financial and moral prosperity of society.

Healthy competition ensures continuous progress and, in my opinion, is the only viable way to achieve technological perfection in civilization. The global challenges humanity faces extend beyond our planet. We are currently entering a new phase of evolution. If we can overcome the remnants of the past, new crucial tasks will be ahead of us. This is the subject that concerns me the most – the ontological foundation of humanity. We need to establish a global advanced society and consistently expand the boundaries of our presence in space to be prepared to defend against any existential threats lurking in the universe and time. I believe that humanity will become the most technologically developed and advanced form of life, capable of overcoming and altering the very laws of physics to ensure our eternal existence.

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